Tenant FAQs
Answers to your frequently asked questions
How long will you hold a place after I am accepted?
At Complete Landlord Solutions we give all tenants no more than 30 days to move in after acceptance. Why 30 days? We understand most will have to provide their current landlord with a 30 days written notice prior to vacating. Most of our tenants move in within two weeks of being accepted. -
Is the deposit refundable?
Yes, all deposits are refundable and it is our hope and goal that vacating tenants treat our properties with the same level of respect and care that we do so no damages will be assessed. All deposit dispositions are returned to the tenant 45 days after vacating and providing Complete Landlord Solutions with a forwarding address. -
You have a property I want to rent. How do I apply?
Simple! All applications are completed on our website and can be done at your convenience. -
How do I pay rent?
All Complete Landlord Solutions tenants can pay rent online, by mail, or by stopping in our office Monday through Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm each week. -
I want to get a pet. What do I do?
Contact your Complete Landlord Solutions property manager for all the details on the process of bringing a pet into the home. (812) 645-2511 -
I want to move out, but my roommate wants to stay. What do I do?
Contact your Complete Landlord Solutions property manager for all the details on changing roommates and all liabilities involved. (812) 645-2511 -
My lease expiration is coming and I want to move out. What do I do?
Complete Landlord Solutions will be contacting you well in advance of your lease expiration to guide you through your renewal/non-renewal process. Need an answer prior to us reaching out? Call your Complete Landlord Solutions property manager today for all the details.(812) 645-2511